NAMEPricesPLACEAirBnb 8 bedrooms 5.5 baths$5,415Here11 bedrooms 11 baths$4,051Here2 airbnbs condos ( 4 bedrooms2 baths) ( 4 bedrooms 2 baths)Total before taxes $1,327 & $1,513Here & Here Two Expansive CBD Condos | Near French Quarter ( if more the 8) 13 bedrooms 10 baths. - walking distance to everything $7592 Cabos International Airport SJD%2C Carretera Transpeninsular%2C San José del Cabo%2C BCS%2C Mexico&check_in=2024-06-23&check_out=2024-06-28&source_impression_id=p3_1714446450_JyH6fcy%2BBCKYZR5a&previous_page_section_name=1001