Artwork, tags, sales pitch, and trailer. The more they can make it look like a high-production film, the higher the odds are of them getting picked up
Artwork - most important asset
Trailer - strong trailer will indicate a strong title
Tags - More tags the better
Sales Pitch - notable awards/festivals, known actors
Why does the channel want to license this title?
Cast & Crew - make sure this is accurate
Description - keywords, like actor names, are searchable in the app
We should create an artwork template for producers to use/reference with examples (how does my title look on Tubi? etc)
Pull weekly list of newly listed titles with a Filmhub Score of over X
AEs review artwork, trailer, tags, sales pitch, cast & crew for each title
If artwork needs updating, enroll in Artwork Update Campaign
Scores in certain range will get 50% discount
Score above a certain number will get 100% discount
Over $1 million makes it a selling point in conversation for the Licensing Team.
Should be a tag to ID these, and the notes section should include exact figure.
How can Acquisitions help us better sell titles?
We need to have a well-thought-out sales pitch for every title that has high earning potential
Callout any titles that have a larger budget (ideally over $500k; >$200k for new titles)
AEs add Team Tag for high production/budget
AEs add in budget amount to the title’s Notes
“Budget: $1,000,000”
Licensing builds query to target tag and pull in title Notes to see budget
Process for when Channels want to do interviews with filmmakers
Should we have a snippet that Licensing sends instead of having the AM reach out?
Documentation for process
How can Acquisitions and Licensing collaborate to sell a high-value title?
We need to form a strategy around this. The first step would be to hop on a call with a team member from both teams, along with the producer, to convince them to bring over the title.
We need clear talking points of what we want to share to ensure we don’t overpromise.