Last edited time
Mar 21, 2024 11:10 PM
- Complete OfficeVibe Training Guide and Material for Managers
- The Science Behind OfficeVibe
- The OfficeVibe Dashboard
- Homepage
- Survey Results
- Feedback
- Good Vibes
Complete OfficeVibe Training Guide and Material for Managers
Additional Webinars and Trainings
The Science Behind OfficeVibe
- measure trends over time
- more frequent touchpoints
- 122 questions covering 10 key metrics with the highest impact on employee retention
- minimum of 3 members per team to see team result
- text answers are anonymous by default
- anonymous feedback minimum of 5 members in team
- employee can choose not to be anonymous
- Asking for regular, honest feedback creates a Growth Mindset.
The OfficeVibe Dashboard
- Find help in your dashboard under support
- On your homepage, you see:
- Tasks (such as replying to feedback or action items)
- You can set goals or schedule 1:1s with your team members
- Send good vibes to your colleagues
Survey Results
- Click on “Surveys” in the left navigation bar
- The overall engagement report score is the rolling 90-day average
- The engagement score refreshes daily and shows the current score - please pay attention to score variations
- Pay attention to all 10 key metrics, and check for upward or downward trends
- If the overall score is above 6, the key metric will appear as green
- If the overall score is 5.9 or below, the key metric will appear as red
- Each metric is broken down into three sub-metrics (a new window will open up by clicking on the specific metric)
- By clicking on “See related questions”, you will get detailed results on the questions that lead to the individual key metric score
- Per default, feedback is set to anonymous
- Team members can choose to reveal their identity
- If you need support replying to a message, click on “Help me reply”
- Importance of replying to feedback in a. timely manner
- Guidelines on responding to feedback
- Maintain a friendly tone
- Give feedback often
- Share observations, not judgements
- Be open to a difference of opinions
- Encourage two-way feedback
- Feedback best practices
- Dedicate 1 hour each week to respond to feedback
- Communicate the cadence to the team to set expectations
- Use the “Help Me Reply” button
- Approach feedback with empathy & thougt
- Act on what you say
Good Vibes
- It’s a peer-to-peer recognition tool to celebrate wins
- Good Vibes are not anonymous, the sender and receiver are revealed
- Can be sent anytime
- Go to the Good Vibe section → Click on New Card → Select a card