Last edited time
Mar 27, 2024 4:34 PM
Pulse Surveys
Customize Delivery Settings
- Each employee can select their own preference - this is not a setting chosen at an organizational level, nor can it be altered by an Executive Manager.
- In your Personal Settings, you have the option to choose which day of the week, which time of day, and which delivery method you prefer. In order to access this section, click on your avatar in the top right-hand corner and click on "Edit Profile".
- Surveys are meant to be simple, interactive, and fun. They include different types of questions, so employees can express themselves in various ways.
- Database of 122 science-based and interactive questions.
- A Pulse Survey implies that we are measuring the same things frequently. This means that Survey questions will come up again every ±3-4 months because it’s important to be able to measure change and notice trends for every Metric.
- To paint an accurate picture of your organization or team, members will not receive the same survey questions. This helps provide you with a complete picture of your team and also helps protect member anonymity
- Different kinds of questions:
- Multiple Choice
- Two-Way Slider Opinion Scale
- Opinion Scale
- Star Rating
- Likert Scale
- Follow up questions
- Scores are calculated through 10 Key Metrics of Engagement.
- Recognition
- Feedback
- Happiness
- Personal Growth
- Satisfaction
- Wellness
- Ambassadorship
- Relationship with Managers
- Relationship with Peers
- Alignment
- Officevibe will continuously send employees different questions to cover the 10 key metrics. They take answers from the last 90 days to calculate our most up-to-date Team Engagement Score → The rolling 90-day average
- Overall Engagement Score
- If the overall score is above 6, the key metric will appear as green
- If the overall score is 5.9 or below, the key metric will appear as red
- Each metric has three sub-metrics
- Results are calculated from the respective answers in the pulse survey questions
What Surveys Look Like
How are Engagement Scores Calculated?
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
- eNPS is a simple way to track loyalty and pride for Filmhub
- It measures the likelihood of whether an employee would be willing to recommend Filmhub as a good place to work
- Every employee gets this question during their onboarding and after that, every three months
- A score can range from -100 to +100
- 61 to -100 = Critical
- 31 to -60 = Very Low
- 30 to 0 = Low
- 1 to 10 = Good
- 11 to 30 = Very Good
- 31 to 60 = Great
- 61 to 100 = Amazing